Dealing with Fear

“Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear”. ¬ George Addair ¬ Fear is a response to perceived threat, either real or imagined. It is a…

Life compass….

We live in a complex, confusing and often frightening world, changing so rapidly that even a map quickly becomes out of date. But the direction in which the needle of…

Little Things Matter….

Solomon, the wisest man used the allegory of  ‘little foxes’, which damage flowering vines, thus affecting the grapes harvest –  “”Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the…

Trusting God no Matter What

Believers can and must trust in God no matter how tumultuous outward circumstances may be. Whatever circumstances or hardships we experience, we must learn to trust him. The righteous shall…

Our Hope is in the Lord

Shalom,shalom,as the world panics due to Covid-19, and governments taking measures to cub the global pandemic, our hope should rest on Jesus the Rock of Ages. Our families and businesses/careers…

Start where you are….

It is important to start where we are, not where we wish we were. Otherwise, we remain on the sidelines (1 year, 5 years,10 years,20 years,70 years), watching life go…

Be Near the Cross

I want to encourage you to live near the Cross. This may seem strange, for a terrible death took place at the Cross and nearly everyone abandoned Jesus. But, the…


IF ONLY – Those must be the two saddest words in the world (Mercedes Lackey) Regret (sadness, yearning, remorse, self hate, self pity, shame) could be about missed opportunity that…

Stand Up

Satan is described as a roaring lion stalking us (1 Peter 5:8) . He is a BULLY (a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive…


BITTERNESS: A feeling of deep anger and resentment. It is an emotion which encompasses both anger and hate, [Drinking poison and waiting for others to die]. In the same way…